The story of South African Inverroche Gin began in 2007, when mother and son duo Lorna and Rohan Scott, began experimenting with a 1.7L copper pot still affectionately known as “Mini Meg”. Working through various ideas, learning different techniques and allowing the process to grow organically, four years of enthusiastic tinkering and research ensued.
One of the key areas of development was to truly understand which botanicals could be used to create their trilogy of Gins, in particular, how best harness their key ingredient, Fynbos.
Inverroche Classic Gin -
The Fynbos Inverroche uses in their Classic Gin is specifically derived from the Limestone area Fynbos. The predominant flavours in this Fynbos are citrus lead, with a subtle floral character. On the nose, there is a very green, almost grassy juniper note amongst a bouquet of soft flowers.
The gin is complex, with angelica and cassia conspiring to bring depth to the floral arrangement, while coriander and cardamom bring warmth.
Inverroche Verdant Gin -
Verdant is distilled with Fynbos derived from the mountainous regions of South Africa (which has beautiful floral top notes with earthy undertones). Unlike with the classic, instead of going straight to bottling, the hearts cut undergoes a second Fynbos infusion. Not only does this add an extra layer of flavour, but it brings a golden-green hue.
Inverroche Gin Verdant has a more delicate floral aroma, almost reminiscent of elderflower and chamomile.
Inverrocche Amber Gin -
Amber uses Fynbos from two coastal regions of South Africa, each of which bringing it's own spicy accent. Interestingly, there is a dramatic colour change between Gin Amber & Gin Verdant, hinting at the massive diversity of plants, roots and herbs there is within the Cape Floral Kingdom. On the nose, the gin is mellower and a touch more spiced than the other two Inverroche offerings. Red bush, Rooibos tea flavours emerge to taste with hints of sweet toffee apples that give way to delicate florals. The spice returns towards the end in a layered and intriguing flavour journey.
This is sublime in cocktails, bringing a botanical intensity that would stand it strong in a G&T or a French 75.
Read Gin Foundry's full review here: Inverrocche Gins