£25.00 £27.95
The three-man team behind Helsinki Distillery Company have been friends for over 20 years. The trio is made of Mikko Mykkänen, Kai Kilpinen and Seámus Holohan, with Mikko the Master Distiller, Kai in Marketing and Branding and Seámus the Entrepreneur. The distillery is located in the Teurastamo area of Helsinki (the old meat-packing district) and was formerly the site of an abattoir.
Helsinki Gin -
Helsinki Gin has bright and lightly floral aromas of citrus, rose, fennel and a verdant juniper on the nose, which are echoed upfront on the palate. The piney elements of juniper come to the fore alongside sharp coriander, presenting an unmistakably ginny profile. However, lingonberries and fennel take it in new directions while a delicate citrus zing balances out the gin. It's genuinely mouthwatering in a G&T and is worthy of a much higher price point.
Cloudy element?
When assembling your G&T at home, Helsinki Gin may suddenly turn cloudy. No need to panic, it’s purely down to high levels of essential oils in the gin. Being 47% ABV, when left at room temperature the oils remain dissolved within the alcohol, but when diluted or chilled, the oils can separate causing a louched effect (cloudiness).
Read Gin Foundry's full review here: Helsinki Gin