Bobby's Schiedam
Launched in 2014, Bobby’s Gin was inspired by a family recipe that began its life many decades earlier. The story begins in the early 50’s, when Jacobus Alfons, or Bobby to his family and friends, migrated from Naku, Ambon (Indonesia) to the Netherlands and settled in Schiedam.
Bobby loved Dutch Genever but in his search for flavours reminiscent of home, he started infusing his Genever with familiar Indonesian spices and herbs. Unknowingly, he had created his own “home brewed gin” and laid the foundation for Bobby’s Gin…
Bobby's Schiedam Dry Gin -
Bobby’s Gin is multilayered and soft on the nose – there is no spiritedness’ yet it is incredibly fragrant. Lemongrass and rosehips burst on the nose in an intoxicatingly exotic mix. Complex clove and coriander seed flavours follow up these elements once tasted, with a refreshing zing from the lemongrass joining in. The juniper anchors the gin while cubebs linger long after the sip has disappeared.
Read Gin Foundry's full review here: Bobby's Schiedam Gin